Sunday, 17 November 2013

Titles Research

This is the title for The Cabin in the Woods I like this title as the writing is big and bold but not central this could create the illusion that all is not what it seems in the film. The writing itself is white but with an eerie red glow around it with a red and black background. The background of the image gives the impression that it's on a wooden texture however when you look closer you see small hexagons making up a wooden like texture. These hexagons are shown in the trailer so the titles link in perfectly.

This is the title for Saw V I like this title also as the background really links in with the props and locations in the film, the rust and blood theme create an unsanitary and massacre effect. As there is rust we know that in the film the locations and props aren't going to be clean, the blood creates the effect of a massacre or lots of people dying as there appears to be a lot. This background is very effective for their film and we could use a similar background as we are including gore, however we thought that going for a cliche background could boost views as it would be something that generations have seen on a lot of horror films.
These are the titles for all the Scream films; the long bottom image shows the transition from a white font to a red one as this indicates blood and murder. The second Scream title is similar except it has a white font and has a red 2 looking like the tile had been slashed; this gives the title a slasher effect indicating that the type of horror is a slasher horror. The Scream 3 title makes it look as though the title has been cut open and the red haze looks like a blood mist, the title is still indicating murder and the type of horror it is; a slasher horror. The final Scream title, Scream 4 has still got the colour red involved as we will know from all the previous films what type of film this is, however for this film you can see how advanced technology has got as the font looks almost 3D and the famous Scream mask is in the background.  I like all the titles as they are fitting for that particular film, I do however like Scream 4’s title the best as its more subtle and they have used more creativity, I also like how they used the red 4 as the A also. Jasmine and I could do something similar to this for our opening two minutes however we have chosen to do it quite similar to the first Scream without the colour change.

The opening titles for the film Sinister are quite disturbing and uncomfortable as it shows a grisly murder in the outset. We see a family standing on the floor with bags around their heads, hands behind their backs and a noose around their necks attached to a tree. Roughly 5-10 seconds in we see a branch being cut and the family slowly rising up being hung, they are all struggling and then the clip jumps them dead. The titles however appear to look as though they are on a film reel, the audience would now get the indication that they watched a film within a film of a family dieing. The titles give some indication as to what the audience are in for but the film is shocking. Jasmine and I will not be using titles like this for our film as it isn't going to include as much gore as this film and we would prefer to do a more simple and cliche title.

This is the opening title for the zombie film Shaun of the Dead. These titles are placed in a clever place as the group of teenagers are walking towards the 3D effect title. I do like this title however as the film is a comedy it does show as it is obvious but it stand out greatly. Jasmine and i have also chosen to make our titles more like an old fashioned horror, very simple and clichéd but everyone would remember it.

The titles for the film Paranormal Activity are ideally what Jasmine and I are hoping to create our opening titles like as it is simple yet effective. A plain title isn't giving away what the film entails also, and seeing as Jasmine and I both like horror films old and new, we are certain that this title is the one we mostly look at for inspiration. What i like about this title also is that instead of having the title completely white, there is a tinge of neon green/blue this gives it a ghost/alien effect.

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